Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm Very Sorry

There's nothing I could write lately. I sank in my blurry mind and stress work. Even my love also was being idle for a long time......

I'm very sorry dear!

I'll make my time for u after this. I miss u badly =(

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Salam Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah 1433

Pade kwn2 semua......


Semoga tahun baru ini segala perbuatan dan perlakuan kita diredhai oleh-Nya.

Atas kesempatan ni jugak, aku nak mintak maaf dari ujung folikel rambut sampai ke ujung kuku kaki untuk kesalahan yang samada disengajakan atau tidak.

Marilah kita bersama-sama mengubah diri kita menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Salam Maal Hijrah 
Safwan A Samad
Universiti Malaya 2009/2010 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Minda Tertutup

Aku x berniat nak mengaibkan mane2 individu atau kaum. Aku cume nk nyatakan pendapat aku.

Ramai antara kita yang mindanya tertutup @ close minded. Betol x?

Kalau x betol, cube terangkan kenape x betol. Kalau sokong cube bagi contoh.

Korang nak tau kenape aku bagi penyataan camni?

Sebab ramai yang mudah percaya kata orang tanpa selidik bukti sebenarnya. *gosip* *fitnah* *skandal*

Betol x?

Monday, November 21, 2011

My FB Wall Posts

Hye peeps. it's a long time since I updated my blog. Just want to inform something with u'all.

Ermmm...there's some of u'all were feeling uncomfortably when u'all read my posts at FB.

I'm sorry.

There're just general posts about my current feeling and pointed to certain ppl only.

so, just don't take a damn of it. and also i prefer don't try to ask who is it bcoz i won't give a shit bout dat.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Happy Eid Adha to ALL My Lovely Friend! ^_^

Wishing a happy eid adha mubarak to ALL my lovely friend! 

Hope u'll always healthy & happy with the loved one right now.

Btw, i spend my holiday far far away from home. Just want to give 'Salam Perantauan' to my precious family. Hope u'all get a good celebration although i'm not come back home to celebrate the event. :'(

p/s: sorry 4 da late & simple entry. i'm not feeling well to write more. (+_+) & also 
tQvm 2 hazirahmaulizan 4 da tag. i appreciate it very much =)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Tag Balek! =D

tagged by hazirahmaulizan =)

 1.You must post these rules. 
 2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 
 3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. 
    And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer. 

 4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post. 
 5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 
 6.No tag backs. 
 7.No stuff in the tagging section about 
    'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately 
    (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 THINGS ABOUT ME name is safwan bin a samad.
2. i have 2 address, one in Bayan Lepas, Penang and the other is at Johor Bahru, Johor.
3. i'm very easy to get mad, and easily cool down after that. (^_^)
4. i want to be independent, but i'm not yet ready for that.
5. i love musics very much.
6. i like to be friend with girls..
7. i can eat any food ( definitely halal ) around the world, but i can't stand eggplant. +_+
8. i trust people easily.
9. i'm always share most of my problems with any friends, although i've know him/her today.
10. i'm a lazy texter. i prefer to call than text.
11. people always said my face is so serious and older than my actual age. +_+

11 Soalan dari HazirahMaulizan
1. benda ape yg bley bwat awak happy?
dapat phatian dari someone special. =)
2. apa barang kesayangan awak skrang?
beg sling itam Converse. hadiah dari kawan lame yg dulu rapat sangat but now da x contact.
3. awak suka makan ape?
takoyaki. sbb sos die sedap giler.
4. awak pandai msk? kalau pandai, masak ape?
bolehla. banyak je cam mi goreng, lauk2 kuah, nasik ayam, nasik lemak dll.. =D
5. ape ciri2 lelaki/perempuan idaman awak?
chubby, kecik, comel n yg paling penting senang untuk memahami keadaan masing2. =)
6. apa lagu yg relate dgn hidup awak sekarang?
 Cinta Muka Buku - Najwa Latif
7. mcm mana awak bley kenal sy?
sekelas time skola rendah.
8. apa first impression awak kat sy?
sweet & innocent. beruntungla laki yg dapat pikat hati kamu. =)
9. awak tngk kartun x? kartun ape yg awak paling suka?
Spongebob! =D
10. kecik2 dulu suka tngk dragon ball dgn sailormoon x?
tengok. die-hard fan dragon ball kot dulu. hehe...
11. ape kejayaan terbesar dlm hidup awak?
gembirakan hati mak ayah dengan result SPM dulu
11 Insan-insan yang bertuah kena tag dengan saya!


 11 Soalan Dari Saya

1. Camne kite kenal yek?
2. Beri 2 pandangan awak pasal saye.
3. Ape 3 perkara yg awak nak capai dalam hidup ni?
4. Awak da makan ke?
5. State dengan tepat jam brape awak makan ari ni.
 6. Bile besday awak?
 7. Ape yg awak teringin dapat sempena besday awak? 
8. Lagu kesukaan awak?
9. Jam pukul brape skang ni time awak tulis entry ni.
10. Lepas ni, plan nak buat ape pulak?
11. Harapan awak dalam hidup.

Sile2la jawab yek =)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A Letter From Mom & Dad

My child,

When I get old, I hope you understand 'n have patience with me
In case I break the plate, or spill soup on the table because I’m losing my eyesight, I hope you don’t yell at me.
Older people are sensitive, always having self pity when you yell.
When my hearing gets worse 'n I can’t hear what you’re saying, I hope you don’t call me ‘Deaf!’
Please repeat what you said or write it down.

I’m sorry, my child.
I’m getting older.
When my knees get weaker, I hope you have the patience to help me get up.
Like how I used to help you while you were little, learning how to walk.
Please bear with me, when I keep repeating myself like a broken record, I hope you just keep listening to me.
Please don’t make fun of me, or get sick of listening to me.

Do you remember when you were little 'n you wanted a ballon? You repeated yourself over 'n over until you get what you wanted.
Please also pardon my smell. I smell like an old person.Please don’t force me to shower.
My body is weak.
Old people get sick easily when they’re cold. I hope I don’t gross you out.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to chase you around because you didn’t want to shower.
I hope you can be patient with me when I’m always cranky. It’s all part of getting old.
You’ll understand when you’re older.
'n if you have spare time, I hope we can talk even for a few minutes.
I’m always all by myself all the time, 'n have no one to talk to.
I know you’re busy with work.
Even if you’re not interested in my stories, please have time for me.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear.
When the time comes, 'n I get ill 'n bedridden, I hope you have the patience to take care of me.
I’m sorry if I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess.
I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moments of my life.
I’m not going to last much longer, anyway.
When the time of my death comes, I hope you hold my hand 'n give me strength to face death.

'n don’t worry..
When I finally meet our creator, I will whisper in his ear to bless you. Because you loved your Mom 'n Dad.
Thank you so much for your care.
We love you. ! ♥


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


dengarkah suara itu
suara kerdil
membelai hati pilu
mampu membelah angin
kita dengar suara itu
ketika masih merah
ketika mampu memerah keringat
kita alpa
kita lupa
leka dengan arus dunia

dahulu kita memeterai janji
janji-janji kosong
tapi mereka percaya
waris inilah
laksamana terbilang

haruskah mereka ini
terus dicatu berita
terus dibiar derita
tanpa adanya kita
berbuat angkara

mari bersama
menggapai peluang yang ada
sebelum terlena

Ayuh Bangunkan Industri Muzik Tanah Air!

        Cam yang kite dapat perhatikn skarang, kebanyakn di kaca televisyen dan media2 suda ade pembangunan dari segi industri muzik dengan wujudnya program cam Mentor, Akademi Fantasia (AF), Raja Lawak, dan bla..bla..bla..

Tapi korang ade nampak x publisiti iklan untuk Search For Musician Talent? Bertuahlah kalau ade program mcm tu kat kaca tv or media. Aku harap sangat ade program camni wujud untuk majukan muzik tanah air. Berape ramai sangat anak2 muda kite kat luar tu tau main alat muzik? Yang banyak pun aku tengok cume gitar, drum, piano, violin. 

Korang pernah try main trumpet? Atau synthesizer (keyboard)? Korang tau x menatang pe nih? trumpet.

ni lak synthesizer keyboard

Yeah...aku tau. Sape nak tengok bende2 camtu kan? Korang lagi suke tengok orang nyanyi atau orang buat lawak bodoh cam si Amir tu kat dalam tv.

Aku bukan cakap ni bukannye nak kondem kawan. Just giving my own opinion as a music lover. If u see music is just sing a piece of lyric, u're WRONG man.

Music is about life. Music is beautiful.

Tolong sematkn phrase ni dalam minda korang. Aku lebih suke kalau ade publisiti meluas sal nak cari orang bley main muzik ni. Kalau x jangan harapla dak2 AF, Mentor bagai tu nak ade pemuzik untuk buat lagu diorang, nak main lagu untuk diorang.

And as I said, I'm going to develop my talent by involving in a band soon. It's not a show off. Just want to promote my band.

Please friend. If u support me to involve in music industry, it'll be better. Xpayah nak join serius pon xpe. Do it as your part time or hobby. Yang penting dapat pengalaman & majukn sedikit bidang muzik ni.

Mari kita perjuangkn industri muzik tanah air kita!  

Hari Malang atau Aku yang Malang??

tanggal 26hb April 2011,berlakulah beberapa detik yang agak bersejarah dalam hidup aku.

dengan ayat yang bapak giler skema nih,aku terkesima buat sejam dua. sejarah tu manis atau pahit? ye.memang sejarah yang berlaku hari ni sangat pahit untuk ditelan.

buat kali pertama sejak aku merangkak selepas jatuh dari buaian time kecik2 dulu, aku disuruh oleh Mr.Pres untuk drive ke Wangsa Maju sebab nak antar diorang wat event kat sane.bayangkan lah seorang noobie yang xde lesen keta disuroh drive sampai ke Wangsa Maju ngan traffic jam keta penuh bagai.

MeMaNg sangat mencabar weyh! naseb baek auto jer.

sepanjang pemanduan memang aku dimaki berjela dengan si nonok syahmi. +_+ memang sangat pening tapi aku diamkan aje. pulak slack biler nak sampai wangsa maju aku terdrive laju giler kat lane belah kanan.

tibe2, aku tengok keta depan da brek emergency.ape lagi aku pon bantai la brek emergency brek.terkena sikit pulak

Learn to Recognize and Use the Symbols of Music Notes


The music note symbols are similar in shape and easy to recognize. We need to start with some basic symbols to be able to work with rhythm. We start with only showing symbols for music notes here.

Note Symbol Types
These are the five basic note symbols we use in most of the music and rhythms we will play.


Dotted Notes:

We need to add one more component to complete our basic rhythm symbols. That will be the dot '.'. Here's how it's applied. Add it directly behind the note and it becomes a dotted note. It means add half the value to the note. We will look at that in music math.

We can add the dot to the other notes as well, this means to add half as much to the value again.


Our next symbol concept is the 'rest'.  The rest will represent when an instrument or beat is not played.

So we will not strike a beat or beats when a rest appears. You get to relax and allow silence to be part of your rhythm. Silence is just as important as sound. It allows you add space and accents to your music. Keep this in mind when you listen to your music choices and see if you can find the rest points.

The rests:


These are the five basic rest symbols we use. So each note has an equal rest.

Dotted Notes:

And for our dotted notes we have dotted rests. They are applied as with notes.




Before we move on let's explore the beaming of notes. Connecting together the flags of eighth and sixteenth notes is called a beam. It simply means pairing up the notes so there isn't a big long stream of individual notes. They would be hard to read, but instead, by grouping the notes they are much easier to read.

Compare the following:

8 eighth notes

8 sixteenth notes


Grouping provides a great way to easily read and recognize our rhythm pattern for these notes.

Different note heads

When rhythm is shown, there are other ways to show the notes. The note circles, our donut and filled donuts are called heads of the notes. Because they can be time consuming to draw we can use other ways to show them.

The x head and the slash heads are very popular for showing straight rhythm and not be concerned with what note might be played. 

x-head examples: Note x head exapmles
often in fake books we see slashes, for 4 beats   Notes Slashes


Another symbol we need to explore is the tie. Look at this sweeping line that connects the two notes. This is the tie. It purpose in rhythm is to connect the notes to make them one note.

Our first set of notes show a quarter note and an eighth tied together giving them the same count value as a dotted quarter note.

Our second set shows how a dotted quarter note is tied across a bar line with an eighth note and a quarter note. We won't be able to show a dotted quarter note across a bar line so this is a one way we can use a tie.

Ties are used to help combine notes of the same sound to show a longer duration and make it easier to read and see in time.

Here's how we might see it written on a staff line:
At this point we are only trying to see what a tie looks like and how it is used. We'll get into what this means in rhythm later on. So for now just understand that the tie will let us show two or more notes put together to be able to show a longer length of time and be able to more easily read our music and rhythm.

Teori Asas Muzik

Lepas beberapa waktu fikirkan entry yang menarik, aku bercadang untuk adakan ruang untuk belajar sedikit teori muzik dalam blog ni. I'm still learning about music but I want to share something that I know from my learning. If there're some mistake please don't hesitate to correct me. Hope u guys enjoy it! =)

Ada beberapa elemen penting dalam muzik yang perlu kita ketahui untuk menentukan bagaimana sesuatu muzik itu dimainkan atau dibuat. Elemen asas ini merupakan kerangka atau struktur yang akan membolehkan kamu untuk belajar, main, karang, mengharmonikan atau bekerjasama dengan pemuzik.

Pertama sekali adalah rhythm atau irama. Rhythm ini ialah asas yang dapat diinterpretasikan dalam bentuk blok untuk memudahkan anda memahami cara untuk mahir dalam muzik. Penerangan seterusnya adalah dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Define Rhythm

OK that's pretty heady and too academic. What if we defined rhythm as:

Still doesn't really get at what we want?


This will form our understanding. of what we mean to define rhythm, but isn't it just the beat we all hear and feel when we listen to music. Yes, in it's simplest form it is. However, to see it and put all the other elements in music together we need to further develop a structure to tie it all together. So let's get started.

Beat and Tempo:

Beat is the duration we assign to our rhythm definitions. It is the measurement of our musical time unit and the amount of time our pulse will take. This can be a fraction of a second, a second, a few seconds, or several seconds. Putting several beats together gives us a steady series of units which make up rhythm. See this example of a 4 beat rhythm.
4 beat rhythm exmpl
The beat is also assigned a speed such as a quarter note = 60, known as tempo, which will mean 60 beats per minute or 1 beat per second. Tempo can also be expressed as very slow, slow, fast, and very fast which leaves the speed of play up to the artist.


A track is a series of lines which show musical notes. It is made up of 5 lines and four spaces. Two or more tracks make a staff.

Here is a track. (The little boxes are whole rests which we talk about later.)
Here is what the master staff looks like.
Music staff one measure

Measure (bar):

A measure is the amount of time allocated to the rhythm before we start the counting pattern over again. Here we show a staff with bar lines. Up above under the beat definition our bar lines are the vertical lines.

two measure bar
One Measure from bar line to bar line
So one measure is the time allotted to apply a time frame in music and for the rhythm; however, the pattern may change from measure to measure. Thus we can have a major pattern or rhythm form over several measures of the counting measure. We will explore this concept in the more advanced rhythm workshop.

Check out this definition we found for "measure" used in music.

Measure is an American term, equivalent to the English bar, for the metrical units marked off along the staff by vertical lines (bars or bar-lines). A vertical line (often called bar-line) drawn through the staff to mark off metrical units. In American usage, the term measure is usually preferred to bar.

Notes and rests:

The note is the symbol used to tell us how long we hold our played pitch or how long our tap of a beat in the rhythmic pattern will be held. It also will tell us what sound is to be played when we put it in a specific location on a staff.

The note names will be familiar to us just as money has become. We can think that a whole note is like a one dollar bill and a quarter note is like a quarter.

Rests are the opposite of notes they show us where we have silence or do not play, but occupy a similar time frame. Here are two examples.

Notes Whole and Half Rests
We have many others that we will explore in the symbols section.

Time signature:

Another important aspect of rhythm definitions involves a time unit. Rhythm is expressed, stated, and describe with a time signature. It is stated in beats per measure and how the beat is counted. Example:
The time signature 4/4 is 4 beats per measure counted by quarter notes.   
4-4 time signature
The top number represents the beat to count. the bottom is the beat value. Don’t worry, we will show you exactly how this all works in more detail in music math. 

Sumber dari

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journey to My Friend's Wedding =)

Pada mulanya aku x plan secara serius untuk ikut dak2 bekas PM 4th konvoi beramai-ramai ke Perlis. yeee...PERLIS. jaoh giler kot. tapi disebabkan wedding BFF aku ngan giler n selambenye aku ikut gak. memang giler betol.

Perjalanan bermula petang Jumaat 16 Sept 2011 dari kolej 4 lepas aku balik shopping dari Mid Valley. Ade 10 orang yg lain ikut same dengan bbekalkan 3 bijik kereta ( kereta Kelisa kunyit Asrul, Kelisa Hello Kitty Irma, Saga FL baru Kak Raihan ). Antaranya kak Raihan, Irma, Mas Mada Ayu Adriana =P, Che Nab, Asrul, Pijo, Nash, Azni, Sufiah n Mira ( anak buah kak Raihan ).

Dari UM kami bergerak menuju kampung Kak Raihan kat Kg Talang, Kuala Kangsar. Kami tiba di sana dalam pukul 10 lebih. Sampai kat sane rupenye ade tetamu lain jugak, abang Kak Raihan n keluarga mentuanya. Kami bkenalan dengan keluarga Kak Raihan. Opah, Tok Wan, mak n ayah kak Raihan. Sempat jugak aku tolong Tok Wan bakar lemang untuk persediaan open house kat rumah akak Kak Raihan kat Sg Petani keesokan harinye. Nash bertungkus lumus tolong bakar lemang sampai ke pagi sementara kami semua sibuk melelapkan mate. =P

Esok pagi lepas subuh kami berjalan kaki pusing Kg Talang. Suasana sangat indah yang xpernah aku jumpa sebelum ni. Sangat mendamaikan. Kami sempat singgah ke gerai hujung kampung untuk beli sedikit sarapan pagi. Selepas bersiap n sarapan di rumah opah, kami bergerak menuju ke Sg Petani ( rumah akak Kak Raihan ) untuk hantar Tok Wan. Kami sampai lebih kurang tengahari. Lepas tu kami teruskan perjalanan ke Kg Sg Padang, Kangar, Perlis untuk hadir ke majlis perkahwinan Syafiq n Maryam. Jenuh jugak nak cari rumah tu. Alhamdulillah akhirnya sampai ke tempat dituju. Kami datang berjumpa dengan pengantin, ambik gambar....sempat jugak aku bgambar ngan Maryam yg cantik bbaju pengantin. ( Jangan marah ye Bang Cik ) =P 

Selepas majlis kenduri kami ambik kesempatan untuk singgah Padang Besar, Perlis untuk bershopping. hehehe. Banyak barang murah kat situ. Memang syurga untuk pembeli. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Kuala Kangsar kami sempat lalu di ladang tebu Chuping. Malangnye hari da gelap xdapat nak tangkap gambar kat situ. Tapi sememangnya ladang tebu tu sangatlah luas n cantik untuk dinikmati pemandangannya.

Sebelum pulang ke Kuala Kangsar kami singgah di Sg Petani, Kedah untuk ambik Tok Wan n makan free kat open house rumah akak Kak Raihan. Lebih kurang pukul 11 malam kami bergerak pulang ke Kuala Kangsar. Kami tidur semalaman untuk berehat sementara lepas sehari suntuk berjalan.

Keesokan pagi lebih kurang pukul 12 kami singgah ke bandar Kuala Kangsar untuk makan cendol yang sangat sedap. Semapt jugak berpusing dalam bandar Kuala Kangsar untuk tengok sendiri suasana n istana Sultan Perak. Lepas tu kami terus bertolak balik KL dan tiba lebih kurang pukul 6 petang di kolej 4.

Betul2 terasa letih sebab banyak masa dihabiskan dalam kereta. Tapi pengalaman macam ni sangatlah manis n sukar dilupakan. =))

Sedikit kenangan manis untuk ditatap.

Ayam kat rumah Opah

Irma n Che Nab di bendang belakang rumah Opah

Hantaran perkahwinan

Dalam bilik pengantin

Bersama Syafiq n Maryam

Makan cendol di bandar Kuala Kangsar sebelum pulang ke KL

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Salam Aidilfitri 2011 1432H

Salam Aidilfitri dan salam kemerdekaan buat rakan2 sekalian.

Walaupun sudah terlewat, atas kesempatan ini aku saya nak mintak ampun dan maaf jika ada kesilapan atau kesalahan yang dilakukan secara sengaja atau tak sepanjang perkenalan kita. Halalkan makan minum dan jika ada saya meminjam duit atau barang sila ingatkan saya untuk memulangkan kembali duit atau barang yg dipinjam.

Kenangan Indah Cuti Semester 2011

Setelah sekian lame x mengarang satu-satunye blog kepunyaan aku nih, timbul idea pada waktu pagi buta yg hening untuk aku coretkan sepatah 2 buat teman2 blogger sekalian.

Last aku post maybe da 3,4 bulan yg lepas. banyak perkara2 yang berlaku menjadi memori indah buat aku.

Awal bulan Julai lepas, aku dipanggil untuk mewakili UM dalam 1 program yg aku mule2 memang xtau ujung pangkalnye. aku pun trime sebab dengar cam gempak je dapat jadi wakil U. rupanya berlaku benda yg xdiduga. program ni sebenarnye ade sikit2 unsur politik (memandangkan PRU da dekat). progra ni namenye Mahasiswa Turun Parlimen ( MANTAP). tapi aku on jela untuk spend free time yg aku ade. kursus persediaan yg sepatutnye 3 ari je  dipanjangkan jadi seminggu. wahh!!! memang penat kan kursus lame2 ni. then kami diberi penginapan di Puchong selama sebulan untuk melaksanakan tugas2 yg diberi pada kami.

Program yg mule aku sangke x best ni la akhirnya membuka mata aku untuk sedar yg selama ni aku leka dengan keselesaan hidup, abaikan isu semasa...sangat banyak input yg aku dapat semasa program ni. 2 minggu lebih aku berulang alik ke bangunan Parlimen untuk mendengar dan mengkaji isu2 yg diketengahkan dalam persidangan Dewan Rakyat. then aku dihantar pula turun ke kawasan Parlimen untuk lihat dan nilai hidup masyarakat di kawasan tersebut bersama beberapa peserta program yg lain. waktu tu, aku turun ke kawasan Maran, Temerloh, Jengka, n Bera untuk mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat di sane. banyak jugak event yg aku pergi dirasmikan oleh ahli Parlimen kawasan masing2.

Antara gambar2 yg meniggalkan kenangan manis
Hari Himpunan Bintang 2011
Pose dengan lounge suit di Parlimen
Lunch di Dewan Baru KPT
Bersama YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri  di Bera
Peserta program MANTAP 2011
Dah habis program sebulan, bercuti di Langkawi pulak =D

Bajet cam perasmi =P
Hari Peneroka 2011 di Jengka
Pose di sidang media Parlimen
Fiesta Bera 2011di Bera
Majlis Berbuka bersama YAB PM di Seri Perdana, Putrajaya
Depan pintu masuk Parlimen
Di kafe Parlimen yg eksklusif

Maaf pic agak berterabur tapi ni la sikit memori yang indah bersama rakan2 seperjuangan MANTAP sekalian. kenangan bersama kalian x akan dilupakan.

Selepas habis program ni, aku cuba untuk menimba ilmu sebanyak yg mungkin bagi mengahadapi persediaan untuk hari2 yang akan datang.